TEL:022-59886568 FAX:022-59886567 业务:022-59886568-803 zhangxu@jrm.net.cn 人事:022-59886568-806 fuyiping82@163.com 采购:022-59886568-810 dengtaoqing@jrm.net.cn URL:www.jrm.net.cn ADD:天津开发区第九大街丰华工业园二期2号厂房
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Tianjin Precision Mold Co. Ltd. was founded in March, 2004 in Tianjin Economic and Development Zone. Our major business covers precise stamping, design and production of plastic articles by injection molding, and processing of the parts of precise molds. Our dedication to the detailed analysis of every precise part and its exact assembling, and our efforts to provide effective suggestions and active service in later stage .......
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